About Carrot Database

Carrot Database (CDB) provides genomic information of Daucus carota (DH13M14) and Alternaria dauci (A2016).

The genomic data in CDB can be viewed via our interactive genome browser (JBrowse), and be analyzed with our tools. The datasets can also be downloaded for your convenience. 

Carrot DH13M14 assembly was accomplished by combining ~138× PacBio HiFi reads, ~166× ONT ultralong reads, ~64× Illumina reads, and ~111× Hi-C data. We obtained a primary contig-level genome by assembling HiFi reads. The contigs were scaffolded onto 9 chromosomes based on Hi-C data. Gaps were filled with the contigs that were assembled with ONT ultralong reads and polished with HiFi data.

We sequenced the genome of A. dauci A2016 and yielded ~460× PacBio HiFi reads, ~259× Illumina reads, and ~262× Hi-C data. The initial assembly using HiFi reads generated 10 contigs (N50 = 3.44 Mb), which was further polished through 4 rounds of correction based on Illumina reads. The 10 contigs were oriented and scaffolded based on Hi-C data, which produced 10 chromosomes, representing the A2016 assembly.

For an in-depth description of the CDB project see our publications.

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